Food Freshness
Baked Goods: To keep cakes, cupcakes, doughnuts, or any bread/bakery products fresher longer, put a small glass/bowl of water in the box and close the lid. The water keeps the items moist, so that they are not "crunchy". Kim, AL
Bread: Put your bread in the fridge and it will keep fresh well past the date. Joel, IL
Brown Sugar: Put a piece of bread in brown sugar to keep it soft. Karen Patterson, IA
Butter: If you "stock up" on butter, keep the excess in the freezer and it will keep longer.
Celery: Before putting in refrigerator, wrap celery in aluminum foil and it will keep for weeks.
Cereal: If you usually have several boxes of cereal opened at one time. The best way to keep them fresh is to roll the bag down several times and then pinch it closed with a pinch clothespin. They come in wood or plastic and in many colors. Dolores Otto, IN
Champagne: To keep champagne bubbly after opening and serving the first glass, place a spoon handle, or a fork handle, whichever fits into neck of bottle and your champagne will remain bubbly even until the next morning to serve at breakfast. It Works! Dora Chenault
Cookies: Place a slice of bread in with your fresh baked cookies, or even after they've gotten a little harder than you appreciate. It will keep the cookies soft or soften them up. Jill, WI
Cottage Cheese: To keep the unused portion of cottage cheese from becoming "soupy", replace the lid tightly and store UPSIDE DOWN in your refrigerator. Louise Tillery
Crackers: Store an open sleeve of crackers in an empty Pringles can to keep them fresh longer. Garry, KY
Crackers: Put them on a cookie sheet and bake at 200 degrees for about 15 - 20 minutes. They will be fresh again. Deborah Root, NY
Cucumbers: To keep cucumbers as fresh and firm as the day you bought them, simply wrap each one in a paper towel and store them as usual in your vegetable crisper. I have had them last at least 3 weeks! Diane R., NV
Frozen Goods: Put an ice chest with some ice in your car the next time you go grocery shopping, and ask the bagboy to put all the cold & frozen items together in the bags, so you can fit them in the ice chest for the ride home, especially in hot weather. The food will keep much longer without having been subjected to the heat, even for a few minutes. Ed Jackson, AL
General: I use the packages of clothes pins you can buy for a dollar or two to use to close bags of chips, cereal, bread, left over cake mix and multiple other things. Carolyn Cummings, TN
Fruit Salad: Sprinkle fruit salad with lemon juice, pineapple juice or plain pineapple to prevent it from turning brown. Ruth Guay, Ontario
Lettuce: To keep a head of lettuce fresh, completely wrap it in a paper towel and put it in a zip lock bag. I have had lettuce last over a month! Mike L.
Potato Chips: If you have a bunch of potato chip bags open simply roll them up and throw them in the freezer. This will keep them fresh a lot longer. Tracie N., IN
Mushrooms: To keep mushrooms from spoiling quickly, keep them in the carton and cover with plastic film wrap. Puncture the plastic wrap with a fork about five times. Refrigerate. Elaine Campbell, CA
Mushrooms will stay fresher and slime-free longer if you store them loosely in a brown paper bag (lunch bag type) in the refrigerator. Debi Sunshine, CA
Onions: Got leftover onions (or any similar vegetable)? Just chop them up in the food processor, then freeze in ice cube trays. After frozen, dump the frozen veggies into a freeze-safe plastic bag. Now you can easily use the "ice cubes" for cooking or adding to recipes; and the good part is you don't have to chop anything up and you can use only the amount you need. Pam McClung
Potatoes: Put an apple (any kind) in your store bought potatoes bag. The apple will keep them from sprouting. Mary, OH
Salt and Sugar: To help keep your salt and sugar from getting moist and clumpling, place a saltine cracker in the container with it. The cracker soaks up all the moisture and your salt and sugar will stay fresher, longer! Mandy Bryant, TX
Strawberries: To keep strawberries fresh, store unwashed berries, stems on in a closed jar. Wash and stem when ready to eat. Will keep up to a week. Frances Robson, GA
Vidalia Onions: If you want to keep vidallia onions throughout the winter, put them in a knee high panty hose & place them in the bottom vegtable tray in your Frig. Its works!!! Bobbie McDonald, TN
Vegetables (General): Wash vegetables such as lettuce, carrots or peeled onions, let them dry and place in a sealed zip-lock bag with a dry clean paper towel. They last until all is used with no discolored leaves or bad spots. Pat, GA
I have found that fresh veggies keep for a very long time in the Tupperware "fridgesmart" containers....I have had mushrooms last for 3 weeks and grapes to last over a month! Stacee Czibere, CA
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*Please note: This is a community exchange. The ideas mentioned here have not been tested and product mentions are not indicative of a station endorsement.