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 September 28, 2003
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Over-The-Counter Drug Use During Pregnancy
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American Family Physician

They fill the aisles of every corner drugstore.  Over-the-counter medications are usually considered harmless in every day life when used as directed, but when you're pregnant, figuring out which of these medications to take can be a serious decision.

"Women are left with this quandry. What can I take to be safe and also still protect my baby?" says Dr. Ray Powrie.

Dr. Powrie of Women and Infants Hospital says most women take an average of two to three over- the-counter medications while pregnant.   His general rule is: What's good for the mom is good for the baby.  But, he says, many over-the-counter medications are under-studied when it comes to safe use during pregnancy and he encourages women to consider whether or not the medications are even necessary.

"People do need to realize that most over-the-counter medications aren't necessary. The diseases or symptoms they treat are self-limited, which means they'll go away regardless of treatment."

Dr. Powrie recommends Tylenol to pregnant women for everything from a sore throat to muscle aches.  It's one of the few drugs that the FDA has proven to be safe during pregnancy.  Nasal sprays like Afrin are also OK for cold symptoms.  Kaopectate is generally considered safe for symptoms like diarrhea and antacids are safe for heartburn.  You should avoid medications like Advil and Motrin, especially in the last trimester and also stay away from aspirin.  But if there's any doubt... Ask your doctor. Chances are there are some alternatives you haven't even thought of.

"It's rarely necessary that a pregnant women should suffer unduly during pregnancy. There's usually a way that things can be treated," says Dr. Powrie.

American Family Physician


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