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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  December 24, 2004
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Club Fire Tragedy
Lawyers draft protocols for testing evidence from club fire site
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 (Providence-AP) -- Lawyers managing civil suits expected from the nightclub fire have drawn up protocols for testing evidence taken from the fire-ravaged building.
   A draft of a pretrial order has been submitted to Superior Court Judge Alice Gibney.
   She could rule on the order as early as Friday.
   The draft order deals with access to the warehouse where the evidence is stored, as well as testing and handling of evidence.
   It would allow any interested party who has disclosed their identity to test any item.
   But nothing can be tested unless the one requesting the test has provided an advance copy of test protocol to all interested parties.
   All parties involved must agree on any testing that would not leave enough evidence for future tests.

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