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 July 22, 2003
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Anthony Quinn's farewell comes to D-V-D
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Undated-AP -- When Anthony Quinn died in 2001, he left behind a legacy of film that stretched over 65 years.

One of his last complete projects was appearing with Sylvester Stallone and Madeleine Stowe in "Avenging Angelo" -- which comes to D-V-D on May 20th.

Quinn plays a Mafia don whose life is marked by a rival mob member. His newborn and only child, he then decides, cannot be known to his enemies. Accordingly, he gives up the child to adoption to a family in New York, and then supports her and the adoptive family in a life of luxury.

As he faces his own mortality, the don decides to let his daughter know of her real parentage in a video. But before that can happen, Stallone missteps as his bodyguard, allowing the don to be murdered.

What follows is often a comedic romp by Stallone and Stowe (who plays the don's daughter) and her naive belief that her father's enemies won't go after her as well.

Although Quinn doesn't have much screen time in the film, he appears in reflective cameos throughout the movie. And, in the end credits, the producers offer a respectful "In Memoriam" to Quinn.

What's not said is the privilege that Stallone and Stowe must have had in sharing the silver screen with one of its true legends.

Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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