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Thoughts and Poems
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By Kaila Carroll

As I walk through the Station

I see pain and wreckage

Everything here gives

A horrible image

To imagine the pain

And horror they felt

As the buildings walls

Seemed to melt

As I walk through the Station

I hear people crying

For all of the loved ones

They knew were dieing

As I walk through the Station

I hear hundred screams

Of the people who suffered

It seems like a dream

As I walk through the Station

I fall to my knees

"I beg that my loved one is ok

God please!"

Place my hands on the ground

Digging into the mud

My hands are now covered in

The innocent's blood

As I kneel at the Station

A light shows before me

I raise my head

And let all my tears free

An angel before me

The one that I mourn

He brings great comfort

His soul was reborn

He spoke of no pain

As he quickly died

He is now comfortable

And not to cry

As I knelt at the Station

He took my hand

And lifted me up

So I could

Finally stand

He told me he missed me

And he always would

He told me to tell

Everyone that I could

That their loved ones are safe

And truly ok

Everyone that they loved

Will be missed every day

As I stood at the Station

My angel disappeared

Almost as quickly as

He had appeared

Though I can't see him

I know he's here

Always in my heart

He will always

Be near


This is a song by my band Vagrant Mind. Before I perform this song from now on I will forever dedicate it to the memory of my friends lost in the fire and all of the other victims.

Words by Mike Giammarco

As the tiger walks

I think about those who have passed away.

As the tiger walks

I think about what it is they'd say

As the horses run

And the sun comes down on the city

As the horses run

I never realized they were so pretty

All of these things are coming to me when I'm gone

I don't want to leave but I can't stay

I want to see the horses run and the birds fly high

Oh what I'd give not to say goodbye

As the baby cries

I think about my great wall of lies

As the baby cries

I'd like to cut that wall to size

As the snow comes down

And settles softly to the ground

As the snow comes down

I think about the beauty all around

As you light my way

I think about what I want to say

As you light my way

All I want is one more day

And all of these things are coming to me when I'm gone

I don't want to leave but I can't stay

I want to see the horses run and the birds fly high

Oh what I'd give not to say good-bye

Oh what I'd give not to say ........good bye


How many times have I been in a night club - crowded with people - only aware of one way to get out of the building (the way that I came in )? How many times have I seen bands playing on a stage in a club that seems as packed as it can get, in a crowd of friends and strangers? How many times have I been a little drunk, celebrating my youth with others as unaware of their mortality as myself, in a building as flammable as a pillow filled with feathers? I cannot count the number of times I've been in the shoes -

before the fire - of those who were at The Station on that horrible night.

I have never once thought that I might die in those moments of music and fanfare and celebration...

As a part of a thriving local music scene in Boston/Providence, I think it's likely that I've been in almost every rock n roll bar/club from Boston to Portland, ME, to New Haven/Winsor, CT, to Providence/Warwick, RI - including The Station. Never once have I checked for fire exits in any of the (literally) hundreds of clubs that I've been in. Of course, being a friend of the bands playing in some of these buildings -I've been privy to information about back rooms/dressing rooms with exit doors - but, for the most part, I've rolled the dice (without even knowing it).

I'm taken aback -once again -at the fragility of our lives and I'm astounded by the seeming omnipotence of fate, of destiny. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to walk into a club again without figuring out an escape, without heightening my awareness of my situation and surroundings, without thinking of a landscape ripe with flames, the screams of the dying, and the silence of the dead. And for what seems like the first time- though in these troubled times, I know well that it surely is NOT the first time- I am reminded that my life is as vulnerable - at all times -as the down of a dandelion in the hands of a child.......

Nicole Purcell


No Goodbye�s

By Barry Ferreira

A Survivor

Going from one end of the joys of life to another is one of the hardest things we humans must face. To go from one end of the spectrum to the other in the matter of minutes can tear at the very fabric of one�s soul. These are the emotions that I felt on February 20, 2003. A night of fun with a friend of mine turned so quickly to horror and despair.

On that fateful night, the excitement of listening to one of my favorite bands was at a peak. The waiting moments seemed to be hours. The crowd�s anticipation grew. It was easy to get caught up in the happiness and excitement that was flowing through the crowd.

As the music began to play, the cheers rose from the audience. People move closer to the stage to see their music heroes and feel part of what promised to be an electrifying evening.

Then the unthinkable occurred. In the midst of all of the fanfare, a tragedy began to unfold. First a spark, then flames. As the crowd stood there stunned and not sure what was happening, the story of many lives began their final chapter.

Chaos ensued as the smoke and fire spread throughout the venue. The screams began to rise as the crowd headed towards the front door. Too many at the same time. Pushing and shoving began to be the prevailing option. Smoke filled the tiny venue as well as the lungs of its patrons.

People tried to escape by any means that they could. The lucky few of us who exited the club immediately, rushed back to the building to pull the remainder of our fellow audience members out. Everyone reached into the burning building trying to grab anyone. No one cared who was who. We all knew that everyone had to get out.

Seconds before the arrival of the first fire apparatus, the flames forced us away from the building leaving many behind. Something each and every one of us will never come to grips with. As they announced the number of victims, something stabbed at the very heart of each and every one of us. The higher the number got, the more painful it was.

As the firefighters battled the blaze and continued with the rescue effort, those of us who were physically able began tending to the wounded. Many of us carried people we never knew with the care of a loved one to the triage/burn center in the neighboring restaurant.

As hours past, the work continued for all of us. The searching for loved ones, for other people�s loved ones, for everybody. Something tragic happened and everyone�s lives have been changed forever. This night will never be forgotten by any of us who lived it first hand.

People ask what made you risk your life to save others but we just don�t know. Most of us weren�t trained to do this. We just knew we needed to help. In the words of a dear friend of mine, Rik Emmett, "Sometimes you gotta hold your breathe and take that mighty leap of faith."

The hardest part was not being able to say goodbye to our fellow music lovers, our friends, and our family. For the 97 victims found in the venue, we all love you and will be forever touched by our brief encounter.

God bless the souls of those lost and protect

those that were injured��


Our Broken Heart

By Michael Sabourin


We will never forget the moments we shared.

You were everything to us.

Our hearts and minds told us you would be with us forever.

But that was a lie. For now you are gone

The feelings of love we have for you will never go.

We wish we could take back that horrific day.

The day you left us in that deadly Station club fire.

We never felt anything like these astonishing pains off loss

That we would have to live with the sight of that horrific fire

Time after time.

Makes our heart shatter in several hundred pieces.

We sometimes wonder if we could only tell you much we loved you

One last time.

Would it have lessened our pain?

We wish we could turn back the hands of time that day.

To have your smiling face by our side one last time.

But for now we sit here with tears in our eyes

Remembering all the memories and dreams we once shared.

Every new day we will grow stronger.

Praying each day knowing that you are watching over us,

And try to put together the pieces of our broken heart.


the station

in a place where friendships began

i wonder if you knew

the history behind my walls

i wonder if you heard

the laughter, the music, the words

the people have gathered

the stage is set

the music starts

dim the lights, excitement is building

the smiling, the laughing, the clapping

the show has begun

no one knew what was happening

the band was rocking

the memories of times past were flashing fast

mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers

sons and daughters

they weren't ready for what was next

their time wasn't up yet

devastation and destruction

tears were not intended for this function

with the band a rockin the light show sparkin

no one knew what was happening

like a clap of your hands or the snap of your fingers

what was isn't

the eye catching sparkles we thought brought delight

left us with tears and fright

one spark is all it took

to bring out the crowds confused look

family and friends new and old were surrounded by

the darkness that filled the station quick

the smoke the flames, heartbreaking cries

no one had a chance for good-byes

if we could have known

the underlying danger

as you look down from above please feel our love

our thoughts our with you, our hearts feel sorrow

how will we make it through tommorrow


Angels Wings

By Joe Goyette


In the face of adversity

When the world stands against us

On the darkest day of our lives

Stands softly behind us

With a beacon of light

Ensuring all our journeys are wise

When we call upon forces

That we know little of

To save us and keep us from harm

There are armies of angels

Sent by the one

Whose invisible strength keeps us strong

In the thick of the storm

There are those who can join

With the choir of heaven that sings

For though we travel by night

We don't travel alone

We are riding on angels wings


One Last Time

To touch you, to see you

Just one last time

I would give anything

Anything I can give

To feel the warmth of your fingers

To touch your perfect face

To give you one last hug and kiss

To feel your hand pressed against mine

I would give my heart, mind and soul

To be with you one more day

To hear the sound of your gentle voice

Would be my last desire.

But I cannot, nor can you

For you are gone

But inside my heart is the place you dwell

From now till forever gone.

Composed by

Victoria Ann Kingsbury

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