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 May 14, 2005
Moldy House
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. Call for Action has been on this case for nearly a year. The family claims "Nationwide" is not on their side just when they needed them most.

"Right now, I feel so chronically fatigued, i feel like I'm being poisoned.."- Irma Wilson, Foster

 Poisoned from toxic mold that is literally invading Irma Wilson's home. "I have trouble breathing, I hemorrhaged for 10 months I couldn't get out of bed" 

  Irma says even her boys began getting violently sick.. "My oldest son would get this chronic bronchitis where he would constantly be showing me that he was getting this yellow greenish dark flem from his lungs.". For months the Wilson's endured this mysterious illness, it wasn't until Irma read an article on toxic mold that she realized what was making them sick. "Low and behold we had four feet of this black mold" 

 It was everywhere..in their closets, walls, ceilings, Irma was actually relieved to finally have an answer to why their health was deteriorating..now it was time to call her insurance company to come clean it up. "We went to the hotel..." Nationwide insurance put the Wilson's up in a hotel while they hired a forensic investigative company to try to find the source of the mold..8 days later...the report was completed. "I was horrified! they denied us..." Nationwide pulled the plug on their hotel stay and gave the Wilson's 12 hours to leave and return home. "Into my sick moldy house..."

  Call for action obtained a copy of the forensic report..it says there were "maintenance related issues" but "no evidence to suggest one specific cause" and "further environmental study" was needed. But nationwide refused to follow the recommendation of it's own investigator and wanted the Wilson's to move back home. That's when Irma called for action. "Actually, my friend said to call Susan Hogan..I didn't know what else to do..so I called you, I just want my family out of here."   

 Call for action asked a mold remediation specialist to inspect the Wilson's home.  Tomorrow night at five you will see what he found.  We also contacted Nationwide Insurance, we'll let you know about their response. That's all coming up tomorrow night at five.

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