What are Allergies and how do they affect you?
You're probably all too familiar with the symptoms of allergies. If so, you're among the more than 50 million Americans that suffer from seasonal allergies. Get more information on symptoms and learn what type of allergens affect you.
Diagnosing Allergic Diseases
When it appears that respiratory illness symptoms are caused by an allergy, the patient should see a physician who understands the diagnosis and treatment of allergies.
Treatment Options for Allergies
Although there is no cure for allergies, doctors can use a variety of approaches to provide varying degrees of relief from allergy symptoms.
All About Pollen Allergies
Each spring, summer, and fall, pollen particles are released from trees and grasses. These particles can enter human noses and throats, triggering pollen allergies.
All About Mold Allergies
Along with pollens, molds are an important cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis. People allergic to molds may have symptoms from spring to late fall.