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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  January 4, 2005
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Win tickets to see Gladys Knight!
Gladys Knight at the PPAC- Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 7:30pm
Win tickets to 42nd Street!
42ND STREET - the dynamic, inspiring tale of small town Peggy Sawyer's rise from chorine to Broadway star. And those songs! "Lullaby of Broadway," "We're in the Money," "Shuffle Off to Buffalo," "Keep Young and Beautiful," "I Only Have Eyes For You," and the spectacular title number, danced down a flight of steps that lights up as brightly as the faces of the cast. Providence will find out what it's like to float up to Musical Comedy Heaven.

Do something for YOU in 2005
Want to quit smoking, lose weight or start a new business?  Check out some tips for how to keep those New Year's Resolutions.
Overwhelmed by Debt?
Take 7 steps towards financial freedom this year.
Are You Suffering from Chronic Pain?
Learn more about treatment options and a free information kit.
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