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Jennifer DesMarais
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Jennifer DesMarais anchors the Eyewitness News, First on Fox Providence at 10pm. She joined the news operation here in January of 2005.

Jennifer anchored a 3-hour morning show in Baltimore , Maryland for nearly four years before trading early morning hours for late night news. Her broadcasting career began in Tampa , Florida where she helped launch a 24-hour news station as a reporter and fill-in anchor for Bay News 9.

During her years in Broadcasting, Jennifer has won numerous awards, especially for her dedication to the Community, Schools, Troubled Teens and Women & Children in need. Her volunteering and commitment to non-charitable organizations, such as the Lukemia/Lymphoma Society, SPCA, Suited to Succeed, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association, just to name a few, have kept her busy, yet fulfilled. She plans to continue the same service here in Rhode Island .

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